

从Oracle到Azure SQL数据库迁移演示视频


Ispirer Systems provides Legacy Assessment, Database Migration and Application Conversion.

Today many enterprises have their IT Infrastructure built in legacy systems. The hardware and software that underpin these legacy computing environments have become obsolete and expensive to maintain. Furthermore, it has become difficult to get professionals to maintain the Delphi code and hardware that underpin these legacy systems.

Success in the 20th century demands the modernization of legacy systems. Ispirer Systems provides a highly customizable Toolkit designed specifically for users wishing to update Delphi application into Java. Specifically, the Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit (MnMTK) provides the migration of most legacy DBMSs and applications into 21st century technologies.


    Hardware infrastructure and maintenance expenses are lower on the modern platform.


    Modernization provides easy integration with other systems.


    Modernized software is easier and faster in use.


    Modern systems offer flexibility and scalability for the future upgrade.


    Modern systems are high performance and more efficient.


    Modern systems are more supportive, reliable and stable.

Ispirer is glad to help you convert your application from Delphi to Java. You can choose the Desktop or Web Architecture for your Modernized Application in Java. In addition, Ispirer offers you to select the appropriate Java Framework regarding the architecture: Desktop (Java Swing, JavaFX), Web (Spring, JSF, GWT, HTML5+AngularJS).

Choosing Ispirer, you'll get well-converted application components: Business Logic, UI Logic, Database Access and Reports.

Business Logic Source Code PAS, DPR, DPK Java packages with classes
UI Logic Forms DFM Java Swing, JavaFX, Spring, JSF, GWT, HTML5+AngularJS
Database Access BDE, ADO JDBC, Hibernate
Reports Quick, Rave, Fast Jasper Reports

For that purpose you can purchase Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit (Ispirer MnMTK) to convert your legacy application automatically or you can get Ispirer Turnkey Service to obtain the ready-to-use results. Ispirer ensures the high level of automation and completes all customer requirements.

Watch Demo about Ispirer MnMTK!


Ispirer Migration and Modernization Toolkit (Ispirer MnMTK) will help you to convert automatically your application from Delphi to Java.

  • Demo Version

    In the beginning we provide you with Demo Version to show how Ispirer Toolkit converts your application from Delphi to Java.

    It allows you to test the conversion process prior to purchase the license for Ispirer MnMTK.

  • License

    After testing Ispirer Toolkit you can purchase the license to complete the conversion from Delphi to Java. In addition, we can make some extensions stages to improve your code maintainability.


We offer you the Custom-specific Service to satisfy your particular needs and requirements.

  • Analysis

    At first we determine your needs and requirements regarding Java code.

  • Conversion

    We make the conversion process and deliver you the functional results.

  • PoC

    This stage is not obligatory and depends on the project size and its сomplexity. Here we check if the target technology suits well for successful conversion.

  • Acceptance

    On this stage you can check the code on your side. In case you find any bugs, we fix them. In the result you get your own unique service without any bugs with warranty period.

  • Ispirer team successfully completed hundreds of migration and conversion projects.


    Our team with a tremendous experience will provide your migration process with a high quality.

  • Ispirer team provides you with the Demo Version before purchasing the license for Ispirer MnMTK.


    We will provide you with test conversion and technical consultation before you make a decision.

  • Ispirer team is totally focused on customer requirements and needs.


    We will customize our migration tool to satisfy your business needs.

  • Ispirer offers a suitable price for your migration or conversion project.


    We will offer you a wide range of options among which you will definitely find the best for you.

  • Ispirer team completes the successful migration or conversion project for you.


    You will get an intelligent and maintainable code without using any middleware.

  • Ispirer team completes the  project on the agreed date.


    We will add and change conversion rules within 1-2 business days.

  • Epicor

    Progress 4GL to C#.NET

    Epicor Software Corporation,
    United States

    "We have found the Ispirer team to be knowledgeable and responsive and we have found the tooling to be flexible enough to be easily adapted to our coding conventions."

    December 3, 2012 Read more
  • Estacio

    Delphi to Java

    Universidade Estácio de Sá,

    "I needed to migrate a Delphi code to Java and it had to be as fast as possible and after searching softwares to do this, I found the Ispirer SQLWays. I really had a surprise after migrating."

    March 16, 2015 Read more
  • Kellenberger

    Delphi to C#.NET


    "Ispirer had offered us a timely and financially attractive conversion of the application. The work was performed promptly. After a few improvements, which also were made quickly, the "old" product could be revived."

    June 21, 2017 Read more
从 Sybase ASE 到 Oracle 迁移
Oracle/Oracle Partner

感谢Ispirer迁移和现代化工具包从Sybase ASE成功迁移到Oracle成为实现!

该强大工具转换数据库架构(DDL),数据和服务器端业务逻辑从Sybase ASE到Oracle,并且我们可以根据客户的要求定制它。

我们的工具包对以数据库对象和属性从Sybase ASA迁移到Oracle:

  • 表和数据
    • 转换列的定义 - 数据类型,缺省值,NOT NULL约束,标识属性
    • 转换完整性约束 - 主关与外关键字,唯一与检查约束
    • 转换注释
    • 解决保留字与标识符的冲突
    • 迁移数据
  • 索引,视图与登录
  • T-SQL存储过程,功能和触发器。


  • 除了服务端域业务逻辑, Ispirer MnMTK还转换SQL查询在前端应用程序和脚本以符合Oracle句式.
  • 此外,我们的工具包还能够Sybase ASE的过程代码转换为Java.NET.
  • 通过使用命令行支持您可以明显地节省时间和自动化您的迁移过程: 设定转换调度或启动转换到您的开发过程中。
  • 使用我们的工具包比较表和行的数量和执行迁移验证为所有或选定列(基于主键或指定的顺序条款)。

为了帮我们评估您的迁移项目,请您填写我们的“从Sybase ASE到Oracle迁移调查问卷” :

Ispirer Systems一直以实现高品位和一流的数据库迁移而备受关注。我们调整我们的迁移工具Ispirer MnMTK定制版以这样的方式能充分符合客户的业务需求。


  • 100%自动化有三个阶段 -稳定与综合
    • 第一阶段: 数据库架构/DDL, 服务器端业务逻辑 (过程, 触发器等);
    • 第二阶段: 数据迁移和检验;
    • 第三阶段: 前端应用程序代码和SQL查询/脚本;
  • 灵活的定价: 提供广泛的选择,其中您一定会找到最适合您的价格方案。;
  • 客户至上的方针和快速定制:我们个性化我们的迁移工具可以充分满足客户的业务需求,定制的转换和优化在1-2工作日完成;
  • 预售参与:我们会在评估决定之前展示完全转换。
  • 优化转换:转换之后您得到智能和维护性代码, 并转换后没有Ispirer的文库或IP使用。

尝试免费演示版本看看Ispirer MnMTK为从Sybase ASE迁移到Oracle的实践中案例!

除了我们的工具,我们还提供我们的高品质服务! 让我们管理您的整个迁移项目,我们将帮助您评估,设计,实施,并最终以测试迁移。


  • 节省精力的解决方案;
  • 高素质的技术专家;
  • 合理的成本。


如果您需要从Sybase ASE迁移到Oracle,我们很高兴为您服务!


Ispirer MnMTK 2015

从Sybase ASE 到 Oracle

数据和SQL SQL 数据



从Sybase ASE 到 Oracle



Ispirer MnMTK 2015

从Sybase ASE 到 Oracle

数据和SQL SQL 数据


Ispirer Migration Service

Sybase ASE 到 Oracle

数据和SQL SQL 数据


Ispirer Wishes You Happy Easter!

April 14, 2017

Happy Easter!

Wishing all of our clients, friends and associates a very Happy Easter!


Параметры для Application:
  'ASP' => 'asp',
  'ASP.NET' => 'aspnet',
  'C#.NET' => 'cs',
  'COBOL' => 'cobol',
  'Delphi' => 'delphi',
  'Informix 4GL' => 'informix 4gl',
  'Java' => 'java',
  'MSSQLServer T/SQL' => 'mssqlserver',      
  'Oracle PL/SQL' => 'oracle',
  'Pascal' => 'pascal',
  'PowerBuilder' => 'pbscripts',
  'Progress 4GL' => 'progress 4gl',
  'VB' => 'vb',
  'VB.NET' => 'vbnet',
  'C/C++' => 'cpp',
  'Pro*COBOL' => 'procobol',
  'Pro*C' => 'proc',
  'PHP' => 'php',
  'Crystal Reports' => 'crystal',
  'Visual FoxPro' => 'visualfoxpro',
  'PACBASE' => 'pacbase',
  'Natural' => 'natural',
  'RPG' => 'ibmrpg',
  'Sea 4GL' => 'sea 4gl',
  'Oracle Reports' => 'oracle reports',
Параметры для DB:
  'Amazon Aurora' => 'amazonaurora',
  'Amazon Redshift' => 'redshift',
  'EnterpriseDB PPAS' => 'enterprisedb ppas',
  'Firebird' => 'firebird',
  'GBase' => 'gbase',
  'Greenplum' => 'greenplum',
  'HPE NonStop' => 'hpnonstop',
  'HPE Vertica' => 'verticaanalyticdatabase',
  'IBM DB2 AS/400' => 'db2 as400',
  'IBM DB2 iSeries' => 'db2 as400',
  'IBM DB2 LUW' => 'db2',
  'IBM DB2 OS/390' => 'db2 os390',
  'IBM DB2 z/OS' => 'db2 os390',
  'Informix' => 'informix',
  'InterBase' => 'interbase',
  'Java' => 'java',
  'MariaDB' => 'mariadb',
  'Microsoft SQL Server' => 'mssqlserver',
  'MySQL' => 'mysql',
  'Netezza' => 'netezza',
  'Oracle' => 'oracle',
  'PostgreSQL' => 'postgresql',
  'Progress' => 'progress',
  'SAP HANA' => 'saphana',
  'Sybase ASA' => 'sybase_asa',
  'Sybase ASE' => 'sybase_ase',
  'Sybase IQ' => 'sybaseiq',
  'Teradata' => 'teradata',
  'HiRDB' => 'hirdb',
  'Neoview' => 'neoview',
  'Microsoft Access' => 'access',
  'Lotus Notes' => 'lotus',
  'VoltDB' => 'voltdb', // missing in Tool
  'Microsoft Azure SQL' => 'microsoftazuresql',
  'Actian Vector' => 'actian_vector',
  'Trafodion' => 'trafodion',
  'Splice Machine' => 'splice machine',
  'PL/I' => 'pli',

< ispirer_include_cta_one color, req, direction, src, trg />
У color возможны следующие значения: red, green, orange, violet, yellow, crimson, blue, dark-blue, turquoise, light-turquoise
У req возможны следующие значения:      
  d_tool (Try the Toolkit)
  assess (Estimate Your Project)
  p_tool (Purchase the Toolkit - Database) 
  p_service (Purchase Service) 
  req_quote_app (Request a Quote - Application) 
  live_pres_app (Live Presentation - Application)
  d_tool_app (Try the Toolkit - Application)
  live_pres_db (Live Presentation - Database)
  req_quote_db (Request a Quote - Database)
direction - текст, миграционная пара
src, trg - параметры для формирования ссылок. Могут быть пустыми для формирования общих блоков "from" или "to".
После блоков необходимо добавлять тег 
(div class="indent-cta")
Цвета, которые надо использовать для блоков:
 d_tool (Try the Toolkit)
 d_tool_app (Try the Toolkit - Application)

 assess (Estimate Your Project)

 req_quote_app (Request a Quote - Application)
 req_quote_db (Request a Quote - Database)

 p_tool (Purchase the Toolkit)

 p_service (Purchase Service)

 live_pres_app (Live Presentation - Application)
 live_pres_db (Live Presentation - Database)
d_tool (Try the Toolkit)
< ispirer_include_cta_one red, d_tool, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
assess (Estimate Your Project)
< ispirer_include_cta_one yellow, assess, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
p_tool (Purchase the Toolkit - Database)
< ispirer_include_cta_one blue, p_tool, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
p_service (Purchase Service)
< ispirer_include_cta_one green, p_service, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
req_quote_app (Request a Quote - Application)
< ispirer_include_cta_one turquoise, req_quote_app, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
live_pres_app (Live Presentation - Application)
< ispirer_include_cta_one orange, live_pres_app, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
d_tool_app (Try the Toolkit - Application)
< ispirer_include_cta_one red, d_tool_app, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
live_pres_db (Live Presentation - Database)
< ispirer_include_cta_one orange, live_pres_db, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
req_quote_db (Request a Quote - Database)
< ispirer_include_cta_one turquoise, req_quote_db, DB2 AS/400 to Amazon Redshift, db2 as400, redshift />
Пример для блока "to":
< ispirer_include_cta_one orange, live_pres_db, Migration to Amazon Redshift, , redshift />
Пример для блока "from":
< ispirer_include_cta_one turquoise, req_quote_db, Migration from DB2 AS/400, db2 as400, />
< ispirer_include_cta_esql color, req, direction, dbsrc, dbtrg, appsrc, apptrg /> 
для ispirer_include_cta_esql параметры req:
  req_quote_esql (Request a Quote - Embedded SQL) 
  live_pres_esql (Live Presentation - Embedded SQL)
Пример для 7 параметров:
req_quote_esql (Request a Quote - Embedded SQL)
< ispirer_include_cta_one turquoise, req_quote_esql, direction, oracle, mssqlserver, java, cs/>
Пример для 7 параметров:
live_pres_esql (Live Presentation - Embedded SQL)
< ispirer_include_cta_one orange, live_pres_esql, direction, oracle, mssqlserver, java, cs/>
Пример для 7 параметров:
live_pres_esql (Live Presentation - Embedded SQL)
< ispirer_include_cta_one orange, live_pres_esql, direction, oracle, , java, cs/>

Примеры тэга: < ispirer_youtube 1HC0jNVphzA, DB2 LUW to Oracle database migration />

Пример с размерами: < ispirer_youtube RUnrpwg7PRU, Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server database migration, 100%, 360 />

Ispirer Systems网站的意大利语版本推出

2013年12 月19日

Ispirer Systems网站的意大利语版本推出,西班牙语版本 - 最新的


Ispirer Systems网站的法语版本推出

2013年11 月25 日

Ispirer Systems网站的法语版本2013年11月25日推出. 这是功能齐全的网站版为法语国家。


从Oracle迁移到DB2 OS/390在线演示视频

System Protocol Information, 马来西亚
Informix到Microsoft SQL Server数据库迁移


我们刚刚完成了到目前为止最大的从Informix到MS SQL Server迁移任务。这项运动是按计划按时完成的。这是成功的,感谢您工具做很大一部分。


Bellnet (HAS), 日本






Informix 4GL转移到Microsoft SQL Server的解决方案, 美国



Oracle Forms迁移到Java, 美国
用于Ispirer MnMTK的Oracle Forms自动化迁移到Java的可行性已被证明!

于2017年初,一家全球信息技术咨询公司联系Ispirer Systems。该公司与组织合作,制定技术战略并实现IT解决方案,增强公司的业务能力。


IBM DB2 iSeries迁移到Microsoft SQL Server, 美国

